National Right to Life Endorses Governor Mary Fallin for Re-election
September 21, 2014
Governor Mary Fallin is pleased to announce the endorsement of the National Right to Life. David N. O’Steen, Executive Director of National Right to Life, and Karen Cross, Political Director, provided the following message of their endorsement:
Dear Governor Fallin:
National Right to Life, the federation of state right-to-life organizations, is pleased to endorse you for re-election as governor.
You are a strong advocate for life. You support pro-life legislation, and you oppose the use of tax funds for abortion.
This endorsement reflects your commitment to strengthening a culture of life. We look forward to working with you to protect the most vulnerable members of the human family—unborn children and medically dependent or disabled persons – whose lives are threatened by abortion or euthanasia.
All voters who are concerned with the right to life should vote to re-elect you as governor, so that you can continue to work to advance vital pro-life public policies.
David N. O’Steen, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Karen A. Cross
Political Director
To view a copy of the letter of endorsement, click here now.