Protecting Oklahoma Values
In Oklahoma, we recognize that families, not federal agencies, are the building blocks of society. We respect the Constitution and the rule of law. We believe in the right to life, and we believe the unborn have an equal claim to that right as the born. We own guns for hunting, sport and self defense, and we are proud of that tradition. It is a tradition that we share with our Founding Fathers, who made gun ownership a constitutionally protected right. Finally, we believe these rights are endowed by God, and it is by His grace and mercy that we are fortunate enough to call ourselves Americans and live in the great state of Oklahoma.
Looking at some of the policies coming out of Washington, it is easy to conclude that some lawmakers no longer see a need for these values, for families, for the Constitution, or even for God.
I am not one of these lawmakers.
As your governor, I will never let Oklahoma be anything but Oklahoma. My faith, my family and my love of freedom define me not just as a public servant, but as a person. No matter what happens in Washington, I promise you that Oklahoma will always be a place where these values are respected and honored.
Mary has a 100 percent rating from the National Right to Life Committee and has received the "True Blue" award from Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council. Click here to read Mary's answers on a candidate survey from Oklahomans for Life.