Thank You for Your Support!
Dear Friend:
With Election Day behind us, I wanted to take a brief moment to say thank you for placing your confidence in my ability to be an effective voice for you in Washington. I am truly humbled by your support, and look forward to returning to Washington and continuing my work on behalf of Oklahoma.
I am extremely proud to serve the people of the Fifth District of Oklahoma in the U.S. Congress, and I am equally thrilled with the results of my campaign. I offer my sincere thanks to the people of Oklahoma, my colleagues who spoke or acted on my behalf and our volunteers and staff members who worked so hard for my reelection.
Throughout the course of this election season and during my time in Congress, the people of Oklahoma have been telling me the same things. They want a government that is responsible with their money, one that spends taxpayer dollars sparingly and does not excuse waste or corruption. They want economic policies that encourage job growth, higher wages and security. They want a real energy policy that plans for the future while accommodating our present needs, by producing more American energy and steering us away from foreign oil. Finally, they want a government and a nation that represents the best America has to offer: the traditional values of family, freedom and faith. During my second term in Congress, I will continue to be a guardian of those values.
Thank you again for your support, and the confidence you have placed in my service to you!
Warmest regards,

Mary Fallin