What Others are Saying about Mary FallinAll across Oklahoma, key leaders, elected officials, and citizens are sharing their comments about Mary Fallin and her leadership. Those who know her and have worked with her agree -- Mary brings new solutions and bold, effective leadership for the future of Oklahoma!
Here are some of the comments about Mary’s record of leadership from those who know her best. If you would like to submit your own, click here.
"As someone with two kids in college, I want a Governor who is going to fight to bring more and better job opportunitites to this state for them. Oklahoma is my home, and I don't want them to have to leave to find good work opportunities. I know Mary will fight to bring the kind of jobs that they want, and that's why I support her for Governor."
"Having worked with Mary for 14 years, I have seen first-hand she will not settle for mediocre solutions, nor will she accept "we can't" as an answer. She will roll up her sleeves and work until the job is finished."
"Mary is a friend to small business and has always worked hard to understand our issues and to help make Oklahoma a better environment for small businesses to grow and prosper. Whether it's her continuous work on workers' comp reform or her desire to keep our taxes low and reduce burdensome red tape, Mary Fallin has always stood up for small business."
"Mary has spent almost her whole adult life serving Oklahoma. Beyond just being experienced, Mary's years in public service reveal her dedication to the people of this state and passion for forward progress. More than anything else, those are the qualities we need in our next Governor."
"I'm voting for Mary Fallin because she understands that Washington has drastically overstepped its bounds. We need a leader that will fight for our state sovereignty and fight the dramatic increase in federal power. I think Mary is that leader, and I know she'll come through for us as Governor."
Bev McClendon, Midwest City
"I support Mary Fallin because she is in touch with Oklahoma values. Whether it’s keeping taxes low and fighting government waste, sticking up for gun rights or protecting the unborn, Mary has always done what’s right."
"Mary is a strong leader who has stood up for Oklahoma on many occassions, including fighting the Labor Unions to get Right to Work passed. She was a highly effective Lieutenant Governor and a great Congresswoman, and I know she'll be a tremendous Governor."
"Mary Fallin isn't just a public official, she's been a friend to Oklahoma and a great role model for me, not just in her political views but her actions as well. Mary has worked her whole life to bring positive, commonsense reform to Oklahoma, and she always listens. With Mary, I know my voice will be heard and I'll have someone in my corner."
Laura Philbin, Edmond
"We need your voice to be heard, desperately!
"I'm a small business owner, and for too long I've seen politicians ignore people like me in favor of bigger companies. Mary isn't like that. She understands that small businesses provide the majority of the jobs in Oklahoma. Raising our taxes or burdening us with new costs doesn't just hurt me, it hurts everyone. Mary has been saying that now for years."
Terry McClendon, Midwest City
"I was there Mary and it was a pleasure to hear you speak from the heart and about issues that are important to ALL Oklahomans--not just us Republicans. It shows how lucky we are to have you representing us that you took the time to hold a second meeting!"
"Mary... is a true American."
"As citizens, we are so proud of you, Congresswoman Fallin, because you are truly an asset and a blessing to not only our state but to the whole nation! Thank you, Mary, for blessing us with your character, integrity, morals, beliefs, honesty, grace, leadership, etc. There are so many fantastic qualities that you have that it is hard to name them all. Thank you for all of your sacrifice and hard work so that we can have better lives and have peace and comfort of knowing that you truly care for the American people!"
"Mary, thank you for your dedication and hard work during these interesting times."
"Congresswoman Fallin is ... a sensible, conservative, intelligent minded woman who truly knows what is best for her constituents and our country. Thank You!"
"I have health insurance now, and while our system isn't perfect and I wish our coverage was cheaper, President Obama's plan for socialized medicine scares me to death. Mary has really done a great job outlining the dangers of his plan--including the tax hikes, the decrease in quality of medical care, and the out of control spending-- and I'm proud of her fo standing up to the President on this issue."
Wanda Martin, Midwest City
"As a parent, I want to see someone make our schools better and our streets safer. I know Mary is the person to do that. She's raised two kids here and she wants Oklahoma's children to succeed as badly as I do."
"We so appreciate all you do for us here in Oklahoma and in Washington as well! Keep up the good work! Thank you for coming out and taking time to hold these meetings! We love you Mary!."