Pro-Growth Policies That Move Oklahoma Forward
"Mary is a friend to small business and has always worked hard to understand our issues and to help make Oklahoma a better environment for small businesses to grow and prosper. Whether it's her continuous work on workers' comp reform or her desire to keep our taxes low and reduce burdensome red tape, Mary Fallin has always stood up for small business."
Larry Mocha, Tulsa"Having worked with Mary for 14 years, I have seen first-hand she will not settle for mediocre solutions, nor will she accept 'we can't' as an answer. She will roll up her sleeves and work until the job is finished."
Former Speaker of the House Todd Hiett, Kellyville"As someone with two kids in college, I want a Governor who is going to fight to bring more and better job opportunitites to this state for them. Oklahoma is my home, and I don't want them to have to leave to find good work opportunities. I know Mary will fight to bring the kind of jobs that they want, and that's why I support her for Governor."
James Myers, Edmond"Mary has spent almost her whole adult life serving Oklahoma. Beyond just being experienced, Mary's years in public service reveal her dedication to the people of this state and passion for forward progress. More than anything else, those are the qualities we need in our next Governor."
Patrice Douglas, Mayor of Edmond View All